
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 58363

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Mr David Moore

Agent: Brown & Co Barfords

Representation Summary:

The Greater Cambridge Employment Land and Economic Evidence Study (November 2020) identifies a higher jobs growth forecast and due to the significant number of jobs further housing will be needed. Therefore, it is considered further homes are needed than 44,400 given the strong relationship between homes and jobs and this is a reasonable alternative. We agree that homes should include all types, sizes and tenures of housing which should also include self-build given the significant demand.

Full text:

The Greater Cambridge Employment Land and Economic Evidence Study
(November 2020) identifies a higher jobs growth forecast and due to the significant number of jobs
further housing will be needed. Therefore, it is considered further homes are needed than 44,400 given
the strong relationship between homes and jobs and this is a reasonable alternative. We agree that
homes should include all types, sizes and tenures of housing which should also include self-build given
the significant demand.