
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 58352

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Mrs Rachel Edwards

Representation Summary:

Strongly object. No reason to site these buildings in this area. Will reduce biodiversity, increase airborne particulates, promote flood risk. City infrastructure cannot cope as is. Area should be designated a country park to help prevent climate change, protect Ninewells, reduce watershed, promote mental and physical wellbeing, halt the significant erosion of greenbelt, and stop Cambridge looking like Milton Keynes and losing its distinct identity that has made it special for centuries.

Full text:

My husband and I strongly object to any development on site S/CBC-A. The reasons are many but include the following:-

1. There will be a significant increase in airborne particulates as a result of this plan.

2. Biodiversity will be yet further decreased, with more encroachment on an already decimated greenbelt.

3. Ninewells conservation area will be further threatened, along with several rare species that have been regularly observed in these fields.

4. The fields regularly flood, and more hard surfaces will further increase watershed and risk of local flooding. The flood mitigation at the Ninewells housing development has already proven to be a complete disaster.

5. Cambridge infrastructure is already poor, and in the absence of substantial improvements throughout the city, further development is only going to make matters worse. As the development proposed is largely laboratory/office, this is likely to cause greater congestion and environmental impact.

6. The whole fabric of what made Cambridge special is being eroded, and the Council seems hell bent on turning this city into some clone of Milton Keynes.

Unlike the Great Knighton area, which has been similarly overdeveloped, there is no country park on this side of Cambridge. This would be a much more sensible use of the land, making a positive contribution to climate change, biodiversity and mental and physical wellbeing.

Several scientific campuses are flourishing in Cambridgeshire in more rural locations. As a medical practitioner (Philip Edwards), we know that there is absolutely no logistic reason why laboratories have to be in close proximity to each other, or even to a hospital.