
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 58160

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Mrs Hannah Thomas

Representation Summary:

Make this policy stronger as it is currently toothless and weak. At present, the proposed GCP CSET scheme is planned inside the greenbelt, despite there having been an early (and obvious) option outside the greenbelt. This reveals the greenbelt status to be meaningless, and therefore it should be strengthened at every opportunity.

Currently, I feel the Local Plan policy does not take account of the need for high quality agricultural land around Cambridge to remain agricultural land, to feed Greater Cambridge from local sources, and provide more opportunities for farmers markets, local sustainable food initiatives and community forest gardens.

Full text:

Make this policy stronger as it is currently toothless and weak. At present, the proposed GCP CSET scheme is planned inside the greenbelt, despite there having been an early (and obvious) option outside the greenbelt. This reveals the greenbelt status to be meaningless, and therefore it should be strengthened at every opportunity.

Currently, I feel the Local Plan policy does not take account of the need for high quality agricultural land around Cambridge to remain agricultural land, to feed Greater Cambridge from local sources, and provide more opportunities for farmers markets, local sustainable food initiatives and community forest gardens.