
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 58155

Received: 12/12/2021

Respondent: Mrs Hannah Thomas

Representation Summary:

Existing green infrastructures around Babraham (currently unlinked) need to be more ecologically coherent and given greater protection for biodiversity and ecological character.

This policy needs greater coherence overall as proposals and sites are not linked together by an overarching policy that makes them ecologically contiguous.

No 3) Gog magog should extend to A11 to protect valuable riparian forest and flood plain habitats, but should also include the river (i.e. link with proposal no1, another area where the proposals are not joined up sufficiently), as the Granta tributary here is over abstracted and being managed in a peicemeal fashion by landowners.

Full text:

Existing green infrastructures around Babraham (currently unlinked) need to be more ecologically coherent and given greater protection for biodiversity and ecological character.

This policy needs greater coherence overall as proposals and sites are not linked together by an overarching policy that makes them ecologically contiguous.

No 3) Gog magog should extend to A11 to protect valuable riparian forest and flood plain habitats, but should also include the river (i.e. link with proposal no1, another area where the proposals are not joined up sufficiently), as the Granta tributary here is over abstracted and being managed in a peicemeal fashion by landowners.