
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 58149

Received: 12/12/2021

Respondent: Mr James Manning

Agent: Carter Jonas

Representation Summary:

Land off Station Road Willingham (HELAA Site 40527)

It is requested that the development strategy for the rest of the rural area includes an additional allocation in Willingham at off Station Road.

A Design Vision document including a Concept Masterplan has been prepared for the promoted development, and was submitted with Mr James Manning’s representations at GCLP Issues & Options stage. The Masterplan Vision document could inform the policy requirements for an allocation in emerging GCLP.

Full text:

It is considered that the growth of the more sustainable villages must be part of the development strategy for emerging GCLP, and particularly those villages that contain a good range of services and facilities, are accessible by a range of modes of transport, and where there is an identified need for affordable housing for those with a local connection to the village.

Paragraph 79 of the NPPF seeks to promote sustainable development in rural areas and acknowledges that housing can enhance or maintain the vitality of rural communities and support local services. The promoted development by Mr James Manning at land off Station Road in Willingham would support the existing services and facilities in the village, including the convenience stores, post office, library, primary school, doctor's surgery and pharmacy, public houses and restaurants, and existing and future bus services.

Paragraph 69 acknowledges the role that small and medium sized sites can make towards meeting the housing requirements, and that such sites are often built-out relatively quickly. Small and medium sized sites typically only require limited new physical infrastructure and amendments to the access arrangements. The housing monitoring data from Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire confirms that small and medium sites are delivered quickly i.e. within two to three years. It is considered that small and medium sized sites make a significant contribution towards the short term housing land supply and the five year housing land supply position in Greater Cambridgeshire. It is requested that small/medium sized sites such as land off Station Riad in Willingham are allocated to meet the requirement for a mix of sites including those that are easily deliverable.

Paragraph 104 of the NPPF expects transport issues to be considered at the earliest stages of plan-making. Those issues include opportunities created by existing or proposed transport infrastructure in terms of the scale, location and density of development, and opportunities to promote walking, cycling and public transport use. Paragraph 105 expects significant development to be focused on locations which are or can be made sustainable. The services and facilities and businesses within Willingham are all accessible by walking and cycling. There are bus stops close to the promoted development at land off Station Road, and the site is well-related to the Cambridge Guided Busway stop to the south of the village. There are bus services to and from Willingham, but it is noted that the Greater Cambridge Partnership’s Making Connections project proposes a more frequent bus service from the village in the future. As such, there sustainable modes of transport are available in Willingham providing a realistic alternatives to the car for journeys to and from the village.

Paragraph 62 of the NPPF expects the size, type and tenure of housing needs of the community to be assessed and reflected in planning policies, including for example those with an affordable housing need, students, renters and self-builders. South Cambridgeshire District Council's 'Housing Statistical Information Leaflet' (December 2019) identified a need for 35 affordable dwellings in Willingham for those with a local connection to the village. This identified need would not be met without allocations in the village. The promoted development by Mr James Manning at land off Station Riad in Willingham would include housing and affordable housing to meet local needs of the village and a proportion of self/custom build housing plots.

For all these reasons, small scale housing allocations should be made in the more sustainable villages within the rest of the rural area, including Willingham, because those villages are accessible by sustainable modes of transport, there is a need to support the existing services and facilities within those villages, and there is an identified need for affordable housing in those villages which would not be met via other means.

Mr James Manning’s representations to the assessment of the land off Station Road in Willingham site in the HELAA (Site Ref. 40527) comment on the potential constraints identified with the promoted development and explain how those constraints would be addressed. In summary, the watercourse can be incorporated into the promoted development, and the electric overhead lines can be put underground. The hedgerows and trees at the site would be retained and enhanced, and additional landscaping would be provided on the western and southern boundary of the site. There is sufficient land within the site to provide open space and green infrastructure. A new vehicular access can be provided directly off Station Road.

Requested Change

It is requested that the development strategy for the rest of the rural area includes an additional allocation in Willingham at off Station Road.

A Design Vision document including a Concept Masterplan has been prepared for the promoted development, and was submitted with Mr James Manning’s representations at GCLP Issues & Options stage. The Masterplan Vision document could inform the policy requirements for an allocation in emerging GCLP. It is requested that land off Station Road in Willingham is allocated with the following policy requirements:

• Site Area of 7.86 Ha
• Capacity for approx. 150 dwellings, including affordable housing and self/custom build plots
• Delivery of open space and green infrastructure
• A shared pedestrian and cycle connection to Haden Way
• Development should address the following constraints:
o A drainage strategy to address flood risk and surface water drainage
o Strategic landscaping at southern and western boundaries