
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 58125

Received: 12/12/2021

Respondent: Mr Paul Bearpark

Representation Summary:

Policies in the LP must protect existing walking and cycle routes from being harmed by development, both during construction and after completion of the development. Where works to the highway cut through an active travel route and degrade its quality or accessibility, it must be fixed. Barriers or obstacles to cycle routes such as fences, poles or electric charging infrastructure should be avoided.
The cycling network is just as strategic as the public highway network and must be protected in the same way. Transport Assessments and Travel Plans should include commitments to safety & maintenance of cycle and walking routes.

Full text:

Policies in the Local Plan must protect existing walking and cycle routes from being harmed by development, both during construction and after completion of the development. Where works to the highway cut through an active travel route and degrade its quality or accessibility, it must be fixed. Landowners, leaseholders or statutory undertakers must not be allowed to install barriers or obstacles into cycle routes such as fences, poles or electric charging infrastructure.
The cycling network is just as strategic as the public highway network and must be protected in the same way. Transport Assessments and Travel Plans should include commitments to clean, clear, de-ice and maintain the safety, usability and accessibility of walking and cycling routes.