
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 58113

Received: 12/12/2021

Respondent: Mr George Gardner

Representation Summary:

Policies mentioned include (to) " promote outdoor activities, including by creating all-weather exercise areas." & create "space for sports pitches, play space for children and teenagers, and more informal spaces."
- Skateboarding is a perfect example of recreational activity that meets those exact criteria. Cambridge has plenty of sports pitches & children's play areas, but hardly anywhere for "informal spaces" such as skate facilities. Even less so when we consider "all-weather ones". More skate-able facilities (particularly covered) would have tremendous positive spill over on the youth of the city who feel particularly isolated and bored during winter months.

Full text:

Policies mentioned include (to) " promote outdoor activities, including by creating all-weather exercise areas." & create "space for sports pitches, play space for children and teenagers, and more informal spaces."
- Skateboarding is a perfect example of recreational activity that meets those exact criteria. Cambridge has plenty of sports pitches & children's play areas, but hardly anywhere for "informal spaces" such as skate facilities. Even less so when we consider "all-weather ones". More skate-able facilities (particularly covered) would have tremendous positive spill over on the youth of the city who feel particularly isolated and bored during winter months.