
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 58109

Received: 12/12/2021

Respondent: Mr Matthew Asplin

Representation Summary:

General principle is supported. LP pages 23, 31, 45, 122, 188, 227 all reference the need for existing communities to thrive which should be reflected in S/SH for infill villages to avoid diminishing of services. Infill development permitted exceptionally should not be limited to brownfield as noted.
Infill villages would benefit from the greater flexibility proposed in consultation feedback, while retaining a level of control.
In Cambridge, Towns and Rural centres, limits should be placed on scheme size as noted.
S/SH should also recognise and control within the hierarchy brown field sites that require Green Belt land take.

Full text:

The general principal of a settlement hierarchy is supported but Policy S/SH should be refined in a number of areas.
First Proposal Pages 23, 31, 45, 122, 188 & 227 all reference the need for existing communities to thrive. This should be reflected in proposed policy S/SH, to support existing communities, without which Infill villages may become less sustainable and services diminish even further.
Development in Infill villages may exceptionally consist of up to about 8 dwellings where this would lead to re-use of a brownfield site.
By their very nature infill villages may have limited availability of Brownfield sites but have sites that otherwise would be acceptable. There is a general presumption for brownfield land to be prioritised ahead of greenfield and therefore limiting exceptional sites only to reuse of brownfield sites could prevent the use of a site that otherwise could be acceptable for use.
Infill villages would benefit from the greater flexibility proposed in consultation feedback, while retaining a level of control.
In Cambridge, Towns and Rural centres, limits and / or controls should be placed on individual scheme size to avoid over densification that can threaten other objectives of the Local Plan.
The Settlement Hierarchy should identify and place controls on factors that limit the effectiveness and intent of the Policy in directing housing to the most sustainable locations. For example where a business or infrastructure is relocated to the Green Belt to create a Brownfield site.