
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57988

Received: 12/12/2021

Respondent: Mr John Hall

Representation Summary:

"Proposed policy directions" concentrates on biodiversity net gain at the development site. It should be unambiguously stated that developments which will adversely affect biodiversity on neighbouring sites of significance (such as county or city wildlife sites) will not be permitted.
The final paragraph of "Why is this policy needed", on the impact on biodiversity of increasing numbers of visitors, is important. There should be clear provisions for the protection of vulnerable sites from damage by excessive numbers of visitors, especially at sensitive times of year (e.g. when birds are nesting).

Full text:

"Proposed policy directions" concentrates on biodiversity net gain at the development site. It should be unambiguously stated that developments which will adversely affect biodiversity on neighbouring sites of significance (such as county or city wildlife sites) will not be permitted.
The final paragraph of "Why is this policy needed", on the impact on biodiversity of increasing numbers of visitors, is important. There should be clear provisions for the protection of vulnerable sites from damage by excessive numbers of visitors, especially at sensitive times of year (e.g. when birds are nesting).