
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57980

Received: 12/12/2021

Respondent: Dr Emanuele Osimo

Representation Summary:

I'd like to see less growth. Build smaller independent homes, not blocks of flats. Don't grow the city by 20% each decade, it would ruin it forever. Don't build on the green belt. Focus on public transport and cycle connections.

Full text:

I would like to question the overall assumptions about growth. Cambridge was born as a University Town and has a beautiful Medieval city centre. It's already grown something like 20% over the last 20 years, and you are proposing to double the growth rate over the next 20. This would completely change the nature of the city, from a small city with a historic heart and a scientific and technological focus to a large city. I would hate living in a large city, and many people alonside me have moved here for its peaceful and countryside nature. Please revise your growth outlook. People who work here don't need to live here. Please focus on building small, independent houses in land that is already destined to house building. Please don't build on the Green belt. If the Biomedical campus has to grow, let's focus on connecting it well to other places through public transport.