
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57853

Received: 11/12/2021

Respondent: Mrs Teresa Harrold

Representation Summary:

Better transport for Cambourne can be achieved by the GCP City Deal. EWR heavy rail is a disaster for the environment, with polluting diesel, CO2 emissions from construction and running the railway. Planning blight, destruction of the countryside along it’s current preferred southern route into Cambridge. If EWR goes ahead then it should follow the CBRR route using trench technology to protect any nearby communities

Full text:

Better transport for Cambourne can be achieved by the GCP City Deal. EWR heavy rail is a disaster for the environment, with polluting diesel, CO2 emissions from construction and running the railway. Planning blight, destruction of the countryside along it’s current preferred southern route into Cambridge. If EWR goes ahead then it should follow the CBRR route using trench technology to protect any nearby communities