
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57831

Received: 11/12/2021

Respondent: Schia Sinclair

Representation Summary:

What seems to be missed is that all of the development (housing, moving a sewage works etc) you are proposing in order to make Cambridge carbon neutral, in and of itself, consumes carbon ... and lots of it! I feel that the whole of the development needs to be relooked at - we really don't have the environmental capacity (from a carrying capacity point of view) to cope with all of those extra houses/people.

Full text:

What seems to be missed is that all of the development (housing, moving a sewage works etc) you are proposing in order to make Cambridge carbon neutral, in and of itself, consumes carbon ... and lots of it! I feel that the whole of the development needs to be relooked at - we really don't have the environmental capacity (from a carrying capacity point of view) to cope with all of those extra houses/people.