
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57815

Received: 11/12/2021

Respondent: Mr Daniel Lister

Representation Summary:

I support the policy of improving tree canopy cover and protecting existing hedgerows and the surrounding land that supports them. I would like to see this policy applied to the S/EOC/GB2 development to maintain the green hedgerow and tree lined footpath along Worts Causeway rather than potentially replacing with a footpath past the edge of a housing development.

Full text:

I support the policy of improving tree canopy cover and protecting existing hedgerows and the surrounding land that supports them. I would like to see this policy applied to the S/EOC/GB2 development to maintain the green hedgerow and tree lined footpath along Worts Causeway rather than potentially replacing with a footpath past the edge of a housing development.