
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57814

Received: 11/12/2021

Respondent: Mr Jon Pavey

Representation Summary:

The Plan should require that even if a BNG of 20% is demonstrated, development will not be permitted if any nationally or locally (eg named by Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Biodiversity Group) designated species of concern will suffer loss of habitat or population impairment unless credible alternative habitat provided, translocations undertaken if appropriate and funding secured for long-term protection & site maintenance is secured.
(There are legitimate concerns that application of the Defra Biodiversity Metric 3.0 has flaws and so should not be sole metric used.)

Full text:

The Plan should require that even if a BNG of 20% is demonstrated, development will not be permitted if any nationally or locally (eg named by Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Biodiversity Group) designated species of concern will suffer loss of habitat or population impairment unless credible alternative habitat provided, translocations undertaken if appropriate and funding secured for long-term protection & site maintenance is secured.
(There are legitimate concerns that application of the Defra Biodiversity Metric 3.0 has flaws and so should not be sole metric used.)