
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57790

Received: 11/12/2021

Respondent: Dr Reg Nicholls

Representation Summary:

This section should include protection of the Geodiversity of the area and many of the strategic Green Infrastructure areas have also a geological dimension.
Builders and developers should be encouraged to facilitate any request from a suitably qualified group / institution to view results of groundworks to identify and record any potential geological features that have been exposed prior to them being covered / destroyed. For example the swales in the Marleigh estate near the airport showed excellent examples of peri-glacial involutions before they were completed and buried.(see image attached)

Full text:

This section should include protection of the Geodiversity of the area and many of the strategic Green Infrastructure areas have also a geological dimension.
Builders and developers should be encouraged to facilitate any request from a suitably qualified group / institution to view results of groundworks to identify and record any potential geological features that have been exposed prior to them being covered / destroyed. For example the swales in the Marleigh estate near the airport showed excellent examples of peri-glacial involutions before they were completed and buried.(see image attached)
