
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57765

Received: 11/12/2021

Respondent: Dr Cressida Harding

Representation Summary:

HELAA site 40041 Kings Gate site, Villa Road, Impington
HELAA site 40232 Land west of South Road, Impington
HELAA site 40236 Land north-east of Villa Road, Impington
HELAA site 40239 Kingsgate Land off Villa Road, Impington

I strongly object to proposals 40041, 40232, 40236 and 40239. Any of these applications will permanently remove greenbelt land, hugely increase traffic volumes on narrow suburban roads, increase flood/drainage risks in an already flood-prone area, increase A14 North bypass traffic loading, increase pressure on over-strained local GP and schools as well as damaging the typical Fen edge character of our village. The 40232 and 40239 proposals are on a scale vastly out of scale with the rest of the village and the proposals by the developer attempt to minimize or obscure these harms with unrealistic and unsubstantiated claims.

Full text:

I strongly object to proposals 40041, 40232, 40236 and 40239. Any of these applications will permanently remove greenbelt land, hugely increase traffic volumes on narrow suburban roads, increase flood/drainage risks in an already flood-prone area, increase A14 North bypass traffic loading, increase pressure on over-strained local GP and schools as well as damaging the typical Fen edge character of our village. The 40232 and 40239 proposals are on a scale vastly out of scale with the rest of the village and the proposals by the developer attempt to minimize or obscure these harms with unrealistic and unsubstantiated claims.