
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57729

Received: 11/12/2021

Respondent: Mr Jon Pavey

Representation Summary:

The drainage from the Darwin Green development must be designed so that the baseflow in existing drains is not diminished. The area drains to Histon, where the brook is a major feature at The Green and the watercourse also provides good environmental conditions elsewhere as it flows though the village and beyond. Reduced baseflow would cause environmental harm (visual, possibly stagnant water, smell and ecological). This important feature must not be a victim of landscaping Darwin Green nor simplistic flood drainage management.

Full text:

The drainage from the Darwin Green development must be designed so that the baseflow in existing drains is not diminished. The area drains to Histon, where the brook is a major feature at The Green and the watercourse also provides good environmental conditions elsewhere as it flows though the village and beyond. Reduced baseflow would cause environmental harm (visual, possibly stagnant water, smell and ecological). This important feature must not be a victim of landscaping Darwin Green nor simplistic flood drainage management.