
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57630

Received: 11/12/2021

Respondent: Mrs Jennifer Conroy

Representation Summary:

Fully support vision and aims. However, under Infrastructure I think there should be emphasis on serving the existing community as clearly there are established deficits , for example new sustainable transport systems to assist known commuters, not purely for future growth eg ‘Plan for transport, water, energy and digital networks; and health, education and cultural facilities; in the right places and built at the right times to serve both our existing and growing communities. ‘

Full text:

Fully support vision and aims. However, under Infrastructure I think there should be emphasis on serving the existing community as clearly there are established deficits , for example new sustainable transport systems to assist known commuters, not purely for future growth eg ‘Plan for transport, water, energy and digital networks; and health, education and cultural facilities; in the right places and built at the right times to serve both our existing and growing communities. ‘