
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57610

Received: 11/12/2021

Respondent: Mr J Pratt

Representation Summary:

Assessment of housing and employment needs made before Brexit and Covid-19 pandemic should be re-assessed. Housing aspirations changed, major conurbations not so attractive. Impact on carbon expenditure, water use and flood risk due to ground cover: assess in light of climate change and that Cambridge has extremely stretched water resources.
Major risk of developing too much and too fast, destabilising the Cambridge community. Be sure these dwellings will be occupied - many recently built are bought as investment by overseas purchasers looking to reduce the risk for their money and are standing empty.

Full text:

Assessment of housing and employment needs made before Brexit and Covid-19 pandemic should be re-assessed. Housing aspirations changed, major conurbations not so attractive. Impact on carbon expenditure, water use and flood risk due to ground cover: assess in light of climate change and that Cambridge has extremely stretched water resources.
Major risk of developing too much and too fast, destabilising the Cambridge community. Be sure these dwellings will be occupied - many recently built are bought as investment by overseas purchasers looking to reduce the risk for their money and are standing empty.