
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57582

Received: 10/12/2021

Respondent: Mr Christopher Maynard

Representation Summary:

I question the assumptions about growth. Growth at this rate is unusual in an advanced economy, and it would not amount to good planning to plan for such growth in a place already suffering from over-rapid expansion.
It also seems unwise to adopt a constant "add-on" approach whereby the city of Cambridge would grow ever larger by the piecemeal addition of new estates. Other urban centres need to be developed with adequate transport links, otherwise Cambridge will become permanently gridlocked.

Full text:

I question the assumptions about growth. Growth at this rate is unusual in an advanced economy, and it would not amount to good planning to plan for such growth in a place already suffering from over-rapid expansion.
It also seems unwise to adopt a constant "add-on" approach whereby the city of Cambridge would grow ever larger by the piecemeal addition of new estates. Other urban centres need to be developed with adequate transport links, otherwise Cambridge will become permanently gridlocked.