
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57533

Received: 10/12/2021

Respondent: Mr Andrew Martin

Representation Summary:

This is an unreasonable target for Cambridge. This level of increase will destroy the character of the city. It especially wrong to overdevelop North East Cambridge. It is very attractive to put everything next to the new station, but this will generate a huge increase in traffic. It is naive to think that people living there will all work there. Commuting in and out will cause chaos. Many of the new homes will be bought by commuters to London or worse absent foreign investors. Affordable housing will be lost in the mist. Develop the airport site.

Full text:

This is an unreasonable target for Cambridge. This level of increase will destroy the character of the city. It especially wrong to overdevelop North East Cambridge. It is very attractive to put everything next to the new station, but this will generate a huge increase in traffic. It is naive to think that people living there will all work there. Commuting in and out will cause chaos. Many of the new homes will be bought by commuters to London or worse absent foreign investors. Affordable housing will be lost in the mist. Develop the airport site.