
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57527

Received: 10/12/2021

Respondent: Mr Henry d'Abo

Agent: Pegasus Group

Representation Summary:

Allocating proportionate housing growth at established rural settlements through the GCLP or a future Local Plan document will assist in safeguarding the vitality and viability of existing rural services and can stimulate new businesses to come forward and support communities. Moving forward the GCLP should be amended to provide a balanced and more deliverable housing supply which can support established rural communities. This will ensure that rural communities thrive over the plan-period.

Full text:

In respect of providing new housing the proposed distribution of growth is too heavily focused on the delivery of New Settlement and Strategic Sites. Figure 10 of the First Proposals document indicates that only 18% of housing need in the plan period is directed to rural areas. This approach threatens the stagnation of rural communities in terms of their housing offer and may in time undermine the viability of the current service provision and the longer-term sustainability of the rural economy.

Allocating proportionate housing growth at established rural settlements through the GCLP or a future Local Plan document will assist in safeguarding the vitality and viability of existing rural services and can stimulate new businesses to come forward and support communities. Moving forward the GCLP should be amended to provide a balanced and more deliverable housing supply which can support established rural communities. This will ensure that rural communities thrive over the plan-period.