
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57524

Received: 10/12/2021

Respondent: Mr Henry d'Abo

Agent: Pegasus Group

Representation Summary:

Our client is broadly supportive of all seven of the Plan Aims set out at page 21 of the ‘First Proposals’ consultation document. It is our client’s ambition to deliver development across all their sites which pursues the highest standards of design, carbon reduction and environmental sustainability.

Full text:

Our client is broadly supportive of all seven of the Plan Aims set out at page 21 of the ‘First Proposals’ consultation document. It is our client’s ambition to deliver development across all their sites which pursues the highest standards of design, carbon reduction and environmental sustainability.

Large working estates are a long-standing feature of the rural economy, landscape and community. It is important that any plan recognises the role they currently play but more importantly should provide the appropriate framework for an estate to continue to support and contribute in the longer term, recognising they can contribute to positive change as we adapt to addressing the impacts of climate change and global events such as the pandemic.

The ‘Jobs’ aim and the specific ambition to maintain Greater Cambridge’s ‘global reputation for innovation’ is welcomed and endorsed by our client. In this context it is clear that the opportunity to deliver a word-class biomedical facility at Hall Farm, Church End, Weston Colville will assist in meeting these aims and ambitions. The facility would provide approximately 100 jobs and complement the presence and growth of facilities in the biomedical/research sector already in the area. The manufacturing facility will use the latest technology to manufacture antibodies which will be used in certain specific medications created by the site future tenant. The opportunity to deliver a facility of this significance should be recognised through the preparation of the GCLP.

The ‘Homes’ aim and in particular the focus on the need for affordable housing to meet the needs of communities is also welcomed by our client. Established settlements, such as Weston Green, Weston Colville and West Wratting are capable of accommodating new housing as long as the size of the development is proportionate and delivers significant benefits for the community to enhance the wider sustainability of the settlement.