
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57456

Received: 10/12/2021

Respondent: Huntingdonshire District Council

Representation Summary:

The Local Plan should seek to ensure adequate provision is made for all Gypsy, Traveller, Travelling Showpeople, other Caravan dwellers and boat dwellers’ needs as identified through Gypsies and Travellers Need Assessment on which joint working is currently underway. A diverse range of locations should be provided to ensure they offer choice and respond to the preferences of future residents.

Full text:

The Local Plan should seek to ensure adequate provision is made for all Gypsy, Traveller, Travelling Showpeople, other Caravan dwellers and boat dwellers’ needs as identified through Gypsies and Travellers Need Assessment on which joint working is currently underway. A diverse range of locations should be provided to ensure they offer choice and respond to the preferences of future residents.