
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57447

Received: 10/12/2021

Respondent: Huntingdonshire District Council

Representation Summary:

Huntingdonshire District Council support the policy, but urge inclusion of a proportion of market housing to be provided at M4(3)a wheelchair adaptable standards too, this will help to meet the needs of the increasing proportion of residents aged 75 and over as set out in the Housing Needs of Specific Groups (Oct 2021).
Huntingdonshire successfully introduced the higher accessibility and adaptability standards into the Local Plan in 2019. Expansion of this approach throughout Greater Cambridge would boost consistency and familiarity amongst developers of designing to the higher standards which may increase the viability of doing so benefitting the wider area.

Full text:

Huntingdonshire District Council support the requirement for sufficient adaptable and accessible housing, especially within the more rural parts of Greater Cambridge. However, we would urge inclusion of a proportion of market housing to be provided at M4(3)a wheelchair adaptable standards too, this will help in particular to meet the needs of the increasing proportion of residents aged 75 and over as set out in the Housing Needs of Specific Groups (October 2021).

Similarly to Cambridge, Huntingdonshire successfully introduced the higher accessibility and adaptability standards into the Local Plan in 2019. Expansion of this approach throughout Greater Cambridge would boost consistency and familiarity amongst developers of designing to the higher standards which may increase the viability of doing so benefitting the wider area.