
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57375

Received: 10/12/2021

Respondent: Colegrove Estates

Agent: PJB Planning

Representation Summary:

This approach is therefore not progressive or positive in its outlook and does not take into account situations where it is demonstrated there is a need for a larger amount of growth to support villages and local communities.

The sustainability credentials of Group Villages should therefore be further reviewed, and a greater level of development allowed at and adjoining these villages.

Full text:

The proposed Settlement Hierarchy reflects the same approach as set out within the Adopted 2018 South Cambridgeshire Local Plan. This approach is therefore not progressive or positive in its outlook and does not take into account situations where it is demonstrated there is a need for a larger amount of growth to support villages and local communities.

The levels of development within Group Villages remain the same at a maximum size of 8 dwellings, with an exception to increase the size of development to 15 dwellings where this would make the best use of a single brownfield site. This approach severely restricts the number of opportunities that could deliver housing in a Group Village, such as Fowlmere, that have a primary school, businesses, village hall, church, and village store that could support a larger development, and where the village is connected to the surrounding area and Cambridge by a bus service. The sustainability credentials of Group Villages should therefore be further reviewed, and a greater level of development allowed at and adjoining these villages.