
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57368

Received: 10/12/2021

Respondent: Mrs P Heath

Representation Summary:

Biodiversity of designated sites does not stand in isolation; surrounding land forms part of and supports the biodiversity of a designated sites

Where development is proposed in proximity to a designated site, policy needs to require evidence based BNG and funded management regimes for the proposed development site, the designated site and the wider biodiversity area
v) 'Offset site compensation for loss of environmentally designated open space must recognise that replacement is not like for like and is liable to deliver net loss of biodiversity if new ecosystems are substituted for established ones and green networks are interrupted.

Full text:

Biodiversity of designated sites does not stand in isolation; surrounding land forms part of and supports the biodiversity of a designated sites

Where development is proposed in proximity to a designated site, policy needs to require evidence based BNG and funded management regimes for the proposed development site, the designated site and the wider biodiversity area
v) 'Offset site compensation for loss of environmentally designated open space must recognise that replacement is not like for like and is liable to deliver net loss of biodiversity if new ecosystems are substituted for established ones and green networks are interrupted.