
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57304

Received: 10/12/2021

Respondent: Mrs Ann Josephine Johnson

Agent: Carter Jonas

Representation Summary:

Preferred development strategy seeks to co-locate housing close to jobs, services, and facilities to reduce the need to travel, and support travel by walking, cycling and public transport. Strategy also provides additional residential allocations in some villages in Rural Southern Cluster, including at land off Hinton Way and Mingle Lane in Great Shelford. Shelford Station, bus routes on Hinton Way, Mingle Lane, Station Road and Cambridge Road, all close to site. Cycle routes into Cambridge. Cambridge South East Transport route to north west and proposed stop at Hinton Way. Site is accessible by a range of sustainable modes, there are and will be alternatives to the car. Allocation of site is consistent with aims of Policy I/ST.

Full text:


Policy I/ST: Sustainable Transport and Connectivity set out how the transport impacts of development should be managed, and how new development should be connected to the transport network. An aim of the policy is to reduce transport emissions. The preferred development strategy in emerging GCLP seeks to co-locate housing close to jobs, services, and facilities in order to reduce the need to travel, and to support travel by walking, cycling and public transport. The preferred development strategy also provides for additional residential allocations in some of the villages in the Rural Southern Cluster, including at land off Hinton Way and Mingle Lane in Great Shelford. Shelford Station is located close to the site. There are bus routes on Hinton Way, Mingle Lane, Station Road and Cambridge Road, all of which are close to the site. There are cycle routes through Stapleford and Great Shelford into Cambridge. The route for the proposed Cambridge South East Transport project by the Greater Cambridge Partnership is located to the north west of the site, and there is a proposed stop at Hinton Way that would be within close proximity of the site. Therefore, the land off Hinton Way and Mingle Lane is accessible by a range of sustainable modes of transport, and there are and will be realistic and available alternatives to the car for travel to and from the site. The decision to identify land off Hinton Way and Mingle Lane in Great Shelford as a preferred allocation in emerging GCLP is consistent with the aims of Policy I/ST.

No changes are required to Policy I/ST.