
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57186

Received: 10/12/2021

Respondent: Southern & Regional Developments Ltd

Agent: Claremont Planning Consultancy

Representation Summary:

A policy for housing mix is required to ensure that an appropriate mix of housing sizes will be provided to address the identified need and create balanced and mixed communities. Objection is raised to the potential for a condition to be attached to end planning permissions to remove the permitted development rights for extensions that would harm the housing mix that the development was responding to. This approach is considered overly cautious and too restrictive.

Full text:

A policy for housing mix is required to ensure that an appropriate mix of housing sizes will be provided to address the identified need and create balanced and mixed communities. Objection is raised to the potential for a condition to be attached to end planning permissions to remove the permitted development rights for extensions that would harm the housing mix that the development was responding to. This approach is considered overly cautious and too restrictive.