
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57040

Received: 09/12/2021

Respondent: Dr William Harrold

Representation Summary:

I attended a presentation from Robin Price, CEO of Water Resources East. I learnt that implementation of any plan to fix the water supply will not happen until well into the 2030s and will be extremely expensive. Meanwhile the existing houses are already depleting the chalk aquifer. Solutions to the waste water problem are out of scope for WRE. You have already signed off the 2018 plan which includes all but 11.5K of these new houses. What is your policy to address this train wreck? Just saying that the additional 11.5K houses are conditional on a plan in 2023 is really does not address the problem.

Full text:

I attended a presentation from Robin Price, CEO of Water Resources East. I learnt that implementation of any plan to fix the water supply will not happen until well into the 2030s and will be extremely expensive. Meanwhile the existing houses are already depleting the chalk aquifer. Solutions to the waste water problem are out of scope for WRE. You have already signed off the 2018 plan which includes all but 11.5K of these new houses. What is your policy to address this train wreck? Just saying that the additional 11.5K houses are conditional on a plan in 2023 is really does not address the problem.