
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57035

Received: 09/12/2021

Respondent: Dr William Harrold

Representation Summary:

Given the amount of development (which I challenge), then this policy sounds very sensible. I do not like the support for East West Rail as a Given the amount of development (which I challenge), then this policy sounds very sensible. I do not like the support for East West Rail as a means to solve connectivity from Cambourne to Cambridge. It is an incredibly expensive solution to a problem which can be solved using the £500M city deal looked after by the GCP. EWR will cause unnecessary environmental damage and planning blight. It has a BCR of 0.6 at best. The only way it has a business case is with housing growth way beyond this plan and in different places. GCSP should not be implicitly supporting it.

Full text:

Given the amount of development (which I challenge), then this policy sounds very sensible. I do not like the support for East West Rail as a Given the amount of development (which I challenge), then this policy sounds very sensible. I do not like the support for East West Rail as a means to solve connectivity from Cambourne to Cambridge. It is an incredibly expensive solution to a problem which can be solved using the £500M city deal looked after by the GCP. EWR will cause unnecessary environmental damage and planning blight. It has a BCR of 0.6 at best. The only way it has a business case is with housing growth way beyond this plan and in different places. GCSP should not be implicitly supporting it.