
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 56960

Received: 09/12/2021

Respondent: Steven and Deanna Jevon and Raven

Agent: Cheffins

Representation Summary:

This policy should support appropriate sites for self/custom build within settlement boundaries as well as small and medium sized sites which are either adjacent or well related to existing settlements. This should include all tiers of settlements to ensure that demand for self-build is being met where people choose to live in urban areas and within rural communities.

Full text:

This policy focuses on self-build provision in relation to large developments however the policy states that in relation to proposals for individual or small groups of custom and/or self-build homes, they will be considered against the policies that would apply to proposals for residential development in that location. Given the Local Plan’s proposed development strategy this will only allow for plots to come forward on larger urban sites and will not meet demand in the more rural areas, if the policy for residential development in these areas is restricted to plots within the settlement boundaries of existing settlements (where there are unlikely to be many opportunities).

A broader approach is required to ensure that the demand can be met for the number of people on the self-build register as shown on the Council’s website (please see the table attached to this representation). According to the attached this need is not currently being met and given South Cambridgeshire’s status as a vanguard authority for self-build, a broader policy supporting self-build is required. This policy should support appropriate sites for self/custom build within settlement boundaries as well as small and medium sized sites which are either adjacent or well related to existing settlements. This should include all tiers of settlements to ensure that demand for self-build is being met where people choose to live in urban areas and within rural communities. This is in accordance with paragraph 62 of the NPPF which requires the size, type and tenure of housing needed for different groups in the community to be assessed and reflected in planning policies – this includes people wishing to commission or build their own homes.
