
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 56822

Received: 07/12/2021

Respondent: Mr John Meed

Representation Summary:

I welcome the focus of Policy BG/GI: Green infrastructure in the local plan, and support the objectives and proposals.
While I welcome the priority habitats identified in Initiative 3, there is also a vital need to improve the biodiversity of arable land across an important area of chalk farmland.
Initiative 14 is lighter on content than some of the others. The attached paper gives four reasons why this is problematic, and suggests practical ways in which the initiative could be strengthened through additional objectives.

Full text:

I welcome the focus of Policy BG/GI: Green infrastructure in the local plan, and support the objectives and proposals.
While I welcome the priority habitats identified in Initiative 3, there is also a vital need to improve the biodiversity of arable land across an important area of chalk farmland.
Initiative 14 is lighter on content than some of the others. The attached paper gives four reasons why this is problematic, and suggests practical ways in which the initiative could be strengthened through additional objectives.
