
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 56802

Received: 05/12/2021

Respondent: Mr Mark Colville

Representation Summary:

There appears to be a mis-interpretation of mis-representation of consultation response evidence. 49% is not a majority of resondents and acknowledgement of the inherent bias in the sample of early respondents is needed where percentages of respondents are referenced in this way.

Full text:

The First Proposals reference a majority (49%) of respondents to the First Consultation question (Q32) as agreeing that a higher number of homes should be planned for than the minimum required by Government. Notwithstanding that 49% is, in fact, not a majority but a minority, this appears a material mis-interpretation of the evidence. There is an inherent bias in who will respond to these consultations based on awareness and level of financial interest. Whilst most of the general public remain unaware of the consultations (particularly at the First Conversation stage) and even those that are aware have limited financial interest, virtually every landowner and developer in the region will have been acutely aware and potentially have a very large financial interest in the consultation outcome. In other words, there will be an inherent large sample bias towards those pushing for more homes to be built based on vested financial interests. Care in interpreting results is therefore needed and simply noting a majority of respondents to an unrepresentative sample held a particular view does not constitute evidence that this view is objectively correct.