
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 56799

Received: 05/12/2021

Respondent: Dr Andrew Laurie

Representation Summary:

Beware of BNG being used in such a way that ineffective compensation is made for irreplaceable loss of biodiversity and associated public amenity local to the development

Current policy provides rather "fuzzy" protection of designated nature conservation sites from impacts of development on adjacent land. We need much more objective policy components including buffer zones of set depth from designated site boundaries within which no development is allowed, irrespective of the ownership of the land

Biodiversity net gain calculations can easily be fudged and unscrupulous "professional" ecologists appear to be following wishes of applicants at cost of scientific process

Full text:

Beware of BNG being used in such a way that ineffective compensation is made for irreplaceable loss of biodiversity and associated public amenity local to the development

Current policy provides rather "fuzzy" protection of designated nature conservation sites from impacts of development on adjacent land. We need much more objective policy components including buffer zones of set depth from designated site boundaries within which no development is allowed, irrespective of the ownership of the land

Biodiversity net gain calculations can easily be fudged and unscrupulous "professional" ecologists appear to be following wishes of applicants at cost of scientific process