
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 56798

Received: 05/12/2021

Respondent: Mr Stephen Bucksey

Representation Summary:

From Heydon Parish Council:
Water supply is not sustainable in Cambridgeshire, the area is classified as semi arid and as such resources are stretched. Proposals for a feasibility study involving extra reservoirs are not appropriate. Reservoirs will only serve to store more of the water which is not currently sufficient to replenish Aquifers and Chalk Streams. This is a flawed solution proposal. The only real way to address this is through increased efficiency, less housing plans, and import of water from other areas.

Full text:

I am replying as part of my responsibilities as a Local parish Councillor for Heydon from feedback received via our Local Community led plan
I cannot find the appropriate place to comment on water supply .... as this is a key issue should you have somewhere more obvious to capture this topic?

Any way here is some feedback: Water supply is not sustainable in Cambridgeshire, the area is classified as semi arid and as such resources are stretched. Proposals for a feasibility study involving extra reservoirs are not appropriate. Reservoirs will only serve to store more of the water which is not currently sufficient to replenish Aquifers and Chalk Streams. This is a flawed solution proposal. The only real way to address this is through increased efficiency, less housing plans, and import of water from other areas. Reservours will exacerbate the issues not resolve them.