
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 56693

Received: 01/12/2021

Respondent: Mr John Meed

Representation Summary:

I support this policy. I particularly welcome Objective 3: ‘protect existing hedgerows and the surrounding land that supports them, and to plant new ones where appropriate’ as this is especially relevant to improving the farmed landscape of so much of Greater Cambridge. As the local plan progresses, this objective should be strengthened with concrete proposals about how it can be achieved in practice.

Full text:

I welcome the focus of Policy BG/TC: Improving Tree Canopy Cover and the Tree Population in the local plan, and support all the objectives.
There is a tendency in the national discussion of climate change to see tree planting as a panacea for tackling global warming, and in the past this has led to planting the wrong species in the wrong places, to the detriment of other crucial habitats. My reading is that Policy BG/TC avoids such errors, and I welcome this.
I also particularly welcome Objective 3: ‘protect existing hedgerows and the surrounding land that supports them, and to plant new ones where appropriate’ as this is especially relevant to improving the farmed landscape of so much of Greater Cambridge. As the local plan progresses, this objective should be strengthened with concrete proposals about how it can be achieved in practice. For example, funding is available both to organisations and community groups to support hedgerow planting, as well as to land managers through the new Environmental Land Management scheme.

John Meed, December 2021