
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 56685

Received: 29/11/2021

Respondent: Mr Andrew Kennedy

Representation Summary:

It is clearly an ambition of the current council to turn green Cambridge into a massive concrete biopark connurbation. That is misplaced and not what those living here want.
There are plenty of people rightly objecting to the proposed over build, so my voice is with them.
What was thought a good idea a few years ago is still not, and even more so where we are now post-Brexit and post-covid.
Those in the city too, do not want to have to travel many miles to reach the green that is so important to them.
Stop over-developing Cambridge!!

Full text:

It is clearly an ambition of the current council to turn green Cambridge into a massive concrete biopark connurbation. That is misplaced and not what those living here want.
There are plenty of people rightly objecting to the proposed over build, so my voice is with them.
What was thought a good idea a few years ago is still not, and even more so where we are now post-Brexit and post-covid.
Those in the city too, do not want to have to travel many miles to reach the green that is so important to them.
Stop over-developing Cambridge!!