
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 56673

Received: 27/11/2021

Respondent: Mrs Laura Lawrence

Representation Summary:

RRA/MF Land at Mansel Farm, Station Road, Oakington

We strongly object to the inclusion of site ref S/RRA/MF in the Local Plan on the basis it will worsen the already extremely bad flooding issues in Oakington and will increase traffic flows on overburdened village roads. The proposal also has a very negative environmental impact on the area and we challenge the release of this land from Greenbelt.

Full text:

Ref: S/RRA/MF Land at Mansel Farm, Station Road, Oakington.
We are completely opposed to this development being included in the Local Plan.
We believe that the environmental destruction that will result from this proposed development far outweighs any suggested speculative benefit outlined in the site assessment. This will clearly result in increased traffic flows through the village which is already overburdened and there is no evidence to suggest that any new residents will use the Busway for commuting or other purposes.
The land provides an essential flood buffer for much of Oakington and the whole of Westwick. (We have photographic evidence to show December 2020 flooding in that area.). Flood controls are already under considerable pressure and this development will worsen that situation. Furthermore, current levels of development (including the adjacent Northstowe) are leaving only fragments of green space in and around the Oakington area. These must be protected at all costs.
We are at a complete loss as to how this Greenbelt site could possibly have been selected from nearly 700 sites in the Greater Cambridge area and challenge the justification for its inclusion. We do not agree that proximity to the Busway stop and enhancing the approach to the stop for residents provides the 'exceptional circumstances required for Greenbelt release'