
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 56530

Received: 22/11/2021

Respondent: Mr Dave Kelleway

Representation Summary:

Paragraph 1:
The adoption of the Nationally Described Residential Space standard is welcome. The councils should lobby government to make this part of the building control regulations, rather than an optional part of the planning system.

Paragraph 2:
This is a loophole, and these homes should always be subject to the above standard.

Paragraph 5:
This policy is welcome but must urgently be backed with generous minimum private amenity space standards.
We have for a long time been building rabbit hutches with little or no private amenity space, and these are the slums of tomorrow.

Full text:

Paragraph 1:
The adoption of the Nationally Described Residential Space standard is welcome. The councils should lobby government to make this part of the building control regulations, rather than an optional part of the planning system.

Paragraph 2:
This is a loophole, and these homes should always be subject to the above standard.

Paragraph 5:
This policy is welcome but must urgently be backed with generous minimum private amenity space standards.
We have for a long time been building rabbit hutches with little or no private amenity space, and these are the slums of tomorrow.