
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 56523

Received: 17/11/2021

Respondent: Mrs Catherine Martin

Representation Summary:

This statement appears to be false : ‘we do think that it may be possible to demonstrate that exceptional circumstances exist to justify a limited release of Green Belt at Cambridge Biomedical Campus’. You fail to declare release of a huge piece of Green Belt elsewhere at Honey Hill.
The council has declared a climate emergency, we should not be concreting over our green spaces and trucking in water at huge carbon cost. Rebuilding an operational WWTP just a mile away, at enormous carbon impact and trashing a peaceful open landscape to build under 4000 houses is appalling

Full text:

This statement appears to be false : ‘we do think that it may be possible to demonstrate that exceptional circumstances exist to justify a limited release of Green Belt at Cambridge Biomedical Campus’. You fail to declare release of a huge piece of Green Belt elsewhere at Honey Hill.
The council has declared a climate emergency, we should not be concreting over our green spaces and trucking in water at huge carbon cost. Rebuilding an operational WWTP just a mile away, at enormous carbon impact and trashing a peaceful open landscape to build under 4000 houses is appalling