
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 56509

Received: 15/11/2021

Respondent: Mrs Catherine Martin

Representation Summary:

Destruction of a large segment of Green Belt at Honey Hill is at odds with this policy. This green belt serves the purpose of preventing urban sprawl. It protects the approach toThe city. Allowing an industrial/ factory size complex (26m & 17 metre heights) on open Green Belt will impact on the views on the approach to the city and permanently change the character of the conservation areas which surround Honey Hill. This is a particularly open area with long vistas which an never be screened by planting. It will blight the amenity of the area for PROW users/residents

Full text:

Destruction of a large segment of Green Belt at Honey Hill is at odds with this policy. This green belt serves the purpose of preventing urban sprawl. It protects the approach toThe city. Allowing an industrial/ factory size complex (26m & 17 metre heights) on open Green Belt will impact on the views on the approach to the city and permanently change the character of the conservation areas which surround Honey Hill. This is a particularly open area with long vistas which an never be screened by planting. It will blight the amenity of the area for PROW users/residents