
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 56506

Received: 12/11/2021

Respondent: Mr Adam Hartley

Representation Summary:

S/RRA/CR Land to the west of Cambridge Road, Melbourn

How it is justified that Melbourn is once again targeted for development? No other villages in this immediate area seem to be under threat constantly. What little services we have here at at breaking point - we cannot even get covid vaccinations without having to travel right into the centre of Cambridge and all we have is a single bus service.

How does destroying yet more arable land fit in with the councils “green” agenda? Melbourn is becoming less and less of a “rural area” - just look at the land lost due to massive estates built on in New Road in the past couple of years. This not only affects our own quality of life, but also increases air pollution due to a higher concentrated population, as well as taking away the very thing we need to maintain air quality - nature. Not to mention the toll this is taking on our local wildlife.

Melbourn Science Park already causes a large influx of traffic and pollution on a daily basis and expanding it will make it even worse - one cannot assume that everyone who works there will be buying a new build right on the doorstep and fit in with the “ideal resident” according to a plan on paper. Additionally, the Melbourn Science Park is already undergoing a massive expansion project which is far from “green” - diesel lorries, countless cement mixers (cement/concrete being one of the worst products for damaging our environment), to and from the site every few minutes, 6 days a week.

A proposed estate on this land has already been turned down once and it should be again. Melbourn has taken its fair share of the burden in this area for too long. If the council wants us to look to a “green future”, then we need to be protecting fields and wildlife from constant destruction.

Full text:

Regarding S/RRA/CR. How it is justified that Melbourn is once again targeted for development? No other villages in this immediate area seem to be under threat constantly. What little services we have here at at breaking point - we cannot even get covid vaccinations without having to travel right into the centre of Cambridge and all we have is a single bus service.

How does destroying yet more arable land fit in with the councils “green” agenda? Melbourn is becoming less and less of a “rural area” - just look at the land lost due to massive estates built on in New Road in the past couple of years. This not only affects our own quality of life, but also increases air pollution due to a higher concentrated population, as well as taking away the very thing we need to maintain air quality - nature. Not to mention the toll this is taking on our local wildlife.

Melbourn Science Park already causes a large influx of traffic and pollution on a daily basis and expanding it will make it even worse - one cannot assume that everyone who works there will be buying a new build right on the doorstep and fit in with the “ideal resident” according to a plan on paper. Additionally, the Melbourn Science Park is already undergoing a massive expansion project which is far from “green” - diesel lorries, countless cement mixers (cement/concrete being one of the worst products for damaging our environment), to and from the site every few minutes, 6 days a week.

A proposed estate on this land has already been turned down once and it should be again. Melbourn has taken its fair share of the burden in this area for too long. If the council wants us to look to a “green future”, then we need to be protecting fields and wildlife from constant destruction.