
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 56492

Received: 08/11/2021

Respondent: Mr David & Brian Searle

Agent: Brown & Co Barfords

Representation Summary:

Land at 20 Bourn Road, Caxton (HELAA Site 40453) / Land south of Bourn Road, Caxton (HELAA site 52991)

Allocates sites for homes or employment in or adjoining villages and we agree with this approach, however, Land at 20 Bourn Road, Caxton (Site ref: 40453) provides an opportunity to create a well located extension to Caxton with efficiently designed homes. The development will provide sensitively designed dwellings with infill plots to the west of the Telephone Exchange, on the existing site of number 30 Bourn Road which is being replaced and moved further east and another infill plot providing three dwellings in total which will retain the linear pattern of development on the opposite side of Bourn Road. There will be housing to the rear of 20 Bourn Road within the site and the sensitively designed dwellings will enhance the setting of the village along with providing much
needed housing. This will also provide economic benefits through the construction jobs created and from owner/occupiers using local services and facilities.

The site at Land south of Bourn Road, Caxton (site ref: 52991) is also ideally located and provides the opportunity to enable sensitively and efficiently designed homes which will enhance the character of the area. The site can provide a mixture of market, affordable and self-build housing and accommodate tree planting on the boundaries creating biodiversity net gain.

As set out in paragraph 69 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2021 (NPPF) small and medium sites such as Land at 20 Bourn Road, Caxton and Land south of Bourn Road, Caxton will make an important contribution to meeting the housing requirement of the area and can be built out quickly. There is significant demand for housing within Caxton given its proximity to Cambourne and Cambridge.

The NPPF 2021 sets out in paragraph 79 that to promote sustainable development in rural areas, housing should be located where it will enhance or maintain the vitality of rural communities. Planning policies should identify opportunities for villages to grow and thrive, especially where this will support local services. Where there are groups of smaller settlements, development in one village may support services in a nearby villages. The Land at 20 Bourn Road, Caxton (site ref: 40453) and Land south of Bourn Road, Caxton (site ref: 52991) are ideally placed in relation to Caxton and given its proximity to Cambourne lends itself to be a highly sustainable location for future growth in Cambridgeshire along with the proposed new railway station at Cambourne as part of the Cambridge to Oxford Arc and these sites are suitable, deliverable and developable. The Greater Cambridge Local Plan should help to meet its housing need by having a combination of large and small sites and these sites would be key to achieving this aim and enable sustainable development in accordance with paragraph 8 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2021.

Full text:

Allocates sites for homes or employment in or adjoining villages and we agree with this approach, however, Land at 20 Bourn Road, Caxton (Site ref: 40453) provides an opportunity to create a well located extension to Caxton with efficiently designed homes. The development will provide sensitively designed dwellings with infill plots to the west of the Telephone Exchange, on the existing site of number 30 Bourn Road which is being replaced and moved further east and another infill plot providing three dwellings in total which will retain the linear pattern of development on the opposite side of Bourn Road. There will be housing to the rear of 20 Bourn Road within the site and the sensitively designed dwellings will enhance the setting of the village along with providing much
needed housing. This will also provide economic benefits through the construction jobs created and from owner/occupiers using local services and facilities.

The site at Land south of Bourn Road, Caxton (site ref: 52991) is also ideally located and provides the opportunity to enable sensitively and efficiently designed homes which will enhance the character of the area. The site can provide a mixture of market, affordable and self-build housing and accommodate tree planting on the boundaries creating biodiversity net gain.

As set out in paragraph 69 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2021 (NPPF) small and medium sites such as Land at 20 Bourn Road, Caxton and Land south of Bourn Road, Caxton will make an important contribution to meeting the housing requirement of the area and can be built out quickly. There is significant demand for housing within Caxton given its proximity to Cambourne and Cambridge.

The NPPF 2021 sets out in paragraph 79 that to promote sustainable development in rural areas, housing should be located where it will enhance or maintain the vitality of rural communities. Planning policies should identify opportunities for villages to grow and thrive, especially where this will support local services. Where there are groups of smaller settlements, development in one village may support services in a nearby villages. The Land at 20 Bourn Road, Caxton (site ref: 40453) and Land south of Bourn Road, Caxton (site ref: 52991) are ideally placed in relation to Caxton and given its proximity to Cambourne lends itself to be a highly sustainable location for future growth in Cambridgeshire along with the proposed new railway station at Cambourne as part of the Cambridge to Oxford Arc and these sites are suitable, deliverable and developable. The Greater Cambridge Local Plan should help to meet its housing need by having a combination of large and small sites and these sites would be key to achieving this aim and enable sustainable development in accordance with paragraph 8 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2021.