Question 11 - General comments

Showing forms 91 to 91 of 91
Form ID: 56166
Respondent: U+I PLC.
Agent: We are Town

Summary Remarks: U+I plc and TOWN welcome the publication of the consultation draft AAP. There is much to be commended about it, the Vision and strategic objectives are strong and it is a visually attractive document. However, the draft AAP raises a number of significant issues for us as Master Developers seeking to deliver the Core Site, which will be integral to the success of North East Cambridge as a whole: • The strategic case for the growth set out in the AAP is not strongly made. Of concern is the risk of the consequences for the spatial pattern of growth across Greater Cambridge without the growth at NEC. We consider that at least one large scale, greenfield settlement would be required in a location inevitably less sustainable than NEC; • Although the Vision and Strategic Objectives are in line with our own and the wording of many policies supported, we have particular concern about the spatial framework drawings and the level of prescription that they suggest which we feel inappropriate for this stage in the masterplanning and design process; • The focus of the document errs too much on design and too little on ensuring the fundamental elements of deliverable policy are in place – in particular in relation to transport and infrastructure funding; • On transport, we see the need for strong leadership from both County and District Councils, working with all developers in the production and delivery of a new Transport Strategy comprised of ‘carrot and stick’ measures to ensure the achievement of the radical modal shift necessary; and • On infrastructure, we are concerned that the infrastructure delivery plan is insufficiently resolved; equally that the mechanisms to capture appropriate proportional contributions from all developers at NEC, including any seeking to secure an early planning permission, have not been progressed. We look forward to working collaboratively on these issues with the other developers, under the strong leadership of the local authorities, in order that the £220m+ of public funding earmarked for the relocation of the Waste Water Treatment Plant can unlock the £5bn+ growth at NEC. Note: Summary remarks added from section 2 of document 'Comments by the Core Sites Team'. Please read full file uploaded to this representation.

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