Question 9
THIS IS ANOTHER PLANNERS PIPEDREAM! in reality households will have a car, so where are thy going to park? how are elderly going to get to their homes. The statement that there will be no additional vehicle movements along Milton Road and Kings hedges Road. so where do you think the 0.5 cars per unit are going to drive oh yes along these roads! also servicing and delivery's again this is going to generate more traffic! Time to take off the idealistic planners glasses! Will the park and ride become free? currently the City seam to discourage people from using it by charging to park and charging to use the bus. if going into town to pick something up its cheaper and easier to park on street.
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The very fact that this development will generate significant inbound traffic can only add to Cambridge's disfunctional traffic management
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Not everyone is able to walk or cycle to work. As people age or their families grow they will become reliant on cars. The development does not take this into consideration. As the national plan on the timescale of this development is to have all electric vehicles, where is the planning for this infrastructure and the probable move to "transport as a service", where central autonomous vehicles can be called for individual journeys, giving transport to all ages? When you are planning to the 2030-40 horizon you need to include these changes rather than just focus on "less cars - more bikes".
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Discourage the use of cars to go into the Science park, for example by forcing employers to improve facilities for working from home, introduce "quick bus" services, for example at 3 or 4 pickup points along the A10 and straight into the Science park. CAM metro plans should be integrated into this plan from day 1. Consider allowing car access by driver less vehicle only, or for vehicles with a better economy rate only. Introduce a fast shuttle bus from the North station directly to the science park and CRC (this shuttle bus could use the guided busway but should be much more frequent, for example 5 minutes after a train arrives during rush hour).
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There does not seem to be anything usefully planned to discourage car use. It is not clear at all how the plan can claim that there will be no additional traffic on Milton Road; it seems more likely to increase it substantially.
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yes but only because you are completely ignoring the fact that traffic will increase. This level of development will only put more strain on roads amd air quality. Even if 1/2 of the population didnt drive. Get real!
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Priority to horses as well as cyclists and pedestrians
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The layout and walking and cycling links to surrounding areas look good. However, the higher number of workspaces to homes means that people will need to travel from outside the area (probably by car) to access the extra jobs if they don't live there.
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Over reliance on improvements to implementation of improved and new transport schemes Measures to restrict car use not definitive. There will added traffic on Milton Road.
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Far too many jobs that cannot be supported by local people, too many people will have to drive here.
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0.5 cars per home is still an additional 4000 cars in the area!!! This is too many for a supposedly "green" development. With the proposed walking and cycling environment and excellent transport connections why allow any cars to be permanently based in the development? Parking for visitors only!
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To complement the proposals, other actions will be needed to secure success, largely in the form of "carrots". This includes: > secure, easily used and safe undercover cycle parking universally available; > a sound sub-regional provision of public transport which provides direct links both across Greater Cambridge as well as the established routes largely radiating from Cambridge. Account has surely to be taken of the potential for long lasting presence of Covid-19. > Schemes for residents / workers to enjoy some appropriate measure of subsidised transport > Ensuring that within the NECAAP area there are excellent levels of provision of leisure facilities - to suit all needs - thereby reducing off-site journeys for this purpose.
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Connecting the area with the rest of the city in a way that makes walking/cycling easier overall will be key. I suspect that in order to discourage car travel you will have to discourage car ownership -- and that might mean direct disincentives to minimise car ownership in the area.
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What evidence is there of increased availability of affordable public transport? People will only leave their cars if it's more convenient and cheaper to use public transport. This is crucial for this area of Cambridge which will be completely gridlocked if not. It is not realistic with this new development and increased job availability to expect car travel to stay at its present unsustainable level and planning for this should be absolutely essential.
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Some aspects of the site design will help discourage car use, but the 20 mph limit is irrelevant because the local police never enforce it and allow drivers to act with impunity. Motor vehicles should be kept to the periphery of the site, keeping the space for active travel. Residents and workers should be required to sign a covenant that they will not bring a motor vehicle to the district. Any reliance on the CAM scheme should be avoided, due to the low probability of it succeeding.
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8000 new homes * 0.5 = 4000 new cars to be parked in the area. Reduce to 50 cars (only for physically disabled people), and free up space for nature instead.
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This is utter
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Not enough information in plans to comment
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The aim of no additional car movements is commendable, but I fear that this makes a major assumption that all the working-age residents of the area will find work within the boundaries of the site. This seems very unlikely to me. Even if a working couple consists of two adults who both work in tech related industries, it is likely that one of the couple may work elsewhere in the city with poor transport links to the proposed area such as: West Cambridge, Capital Park (near Fulbourn), Peterhouse Technology Park (near Cherry Hinton), Cambridge Innovation Park (Waterbeach) etc. These are too far to be in comfortable cycling distance for many. Major public transport investments beyond the boundary of the park will be a necessity, but this proposal does not make any guarantees outside the boundary of North East Cambridge. The lack of car parking is also of concern to me. I commute to work by bicycle, and try to do grocery shopping by bicycle or on foot too. However I still own a car for those times when I need to make a trip outside Cambridge, such as to visit my parents or friends who are not well served by public transport! Car hire/ car pooling could in theory solve this problem, but it needs to become a lot more dependable and flexible to be realistic. If the attempt to discourage car travel into the area is unsuccessful then the effect on the already-congested Milton Road/Cowley Road and Milton Road/A14 junctions will be catastrophic
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The street layout and design of the site includes many aspects which will help discourage car use including no through-routes and car parking which is not outside people’s homes. However, the plans rely heavily on good links to improved walking and cycling routes outside the area and the implementation of planned public transport schemes such as CAM metro. They also assume levels of car ownership which are too high for a low-carbon development: proposals should start with a more carbon-realistic limit on trips and parking spaces.
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No - public transport provision and cycling routes are inadequate for the proposed number of people.
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0.5 parking spaces per home still means 4000 extra vehicles in the area. In addition 4800 employment-related parking spaces will be accessed from Milton Road. The concept of reliance on walking and cycling assumes residents all remain fit and active and never have disabled, elderly or family visitors. Not enough detail on how the trip budgets will be monitored and enforced.
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Reducing car travel will depend on improvements for walking and cycling across the city. Not just in this development.
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Having limited car parking and huge number of new residents, shops, restaurants and facilities and jobs, whilst aiming to not increase road use of Milton road, is not a realistic goal. It is in this area that the planners seem to be deluded, and hoping to push the project through on false promises. The key thing to bear in mind is that North Cambridge is massively underserved by faculties, as are local villages, so there would be a big influx of people into the area - not just those who live there using the facilities, which seems to be the assumption of planners. You need to be honest about this, and accept you’ll increase traffic on Milton road and the A14 and requirements for parking (people will probably try to use residential streets) in the area, if you don’t build large carparks.
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Building flats does not reduce traffic people will just park in the surrounding streets and walk through.. too much money is wasted on stupid cycle ways. As a cyclist they are not beeded on both sides of roads.
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