Question 5

Showing forms 61 to 90 of 313
Form ID: 52751
Respondent: Little Gransden Parish Council

Yes, completely

I agree fully

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Form ID: 52767
Respondent: Mrs Margaret Starkie


Three primary schools are planned but no secondary school – children would have to travel. Health care provision, nursery, sports provision are “pending further engagement with providers” – what guarantee is there they will fulfil and not be a drain on existing services? Many facilities are not in the high density area (Cowley Road) – may lead to social isolation.

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Form ID: 52782
Respondent: Mr Henk Riethoff


Too many schools are being proposed. Lower density housing will not require the proposed number.

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Form ID: 52789
Respondent: Mr Matthew Stancombe

Not at all

This area should not be made residential and so the location of community facilities should be elsewhere.

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Form ID: 52801
Respondent: Mrs Sarah Strickland

Yes, completely

No answer given

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Form ID: 52812
Respondent: Ms Jennifer Krombacher

Mostly not

The secondary school needs to be built at the same time, not treated as a possible add on. This will cause huge problems for families with older children. More outdoor social activities need to be planned for. Swimming pools and sports halls need to be available from the start, not years ahead.

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Form ID: 52821
Respondent: Ian Fryatt


I do not know, except provision of new facilities must not jeopardise the viability of exiting facilities.

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Form ID: 52834
Respondent: Mrs Vivian Yvonne Higgons


No answer given

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Form ID: 52851
Respondent: Mr Barry Rowe

Not at all

Community the size of Ely with the facilities of Swavesey. No secondary school

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Form ID: 52885
Respondent: Ms Alison Hoare

Mostly not

A secondary school must be planned for right from the start - it seems very likely that this will be need given the proposed population of the area. And children must be able to travel on foot or bike to their school - otherwise there will be increased congestion during the 'school run'. All the schools planned must be easily accessible by bike and foot. A firm commitment is needed to a health centre, library and community centre & cultural facilities - 'expecting' this to be implemented allows room for this to not be implemented.

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Form ID: 52896
Respondent: Ms Cristina Rimini

Mostly not

A secondary school is very likely to be needed, along with more leisure and sports facilities as these are lacking in this part of the city. We support schools and leisure facilities being located on key walking and cycling routes so that children can travel safely and independently to their destinations from a young age. Schools, health facilities and other community buildings should be in place as residents move into the first homes to promote low levels of car use and ownership.

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Form ID: 52907
Respondent: Mr Mark Easterfield


Generally can't comment, but pleased to see the Arts Hub, although there should be a separate Sports Hub. Should it go ahead it would be good if it was designed with real-world use in mind, in particular not trying to share space between Arts and Sports, as they have totally different usage profiles. It's unclear from the pictures if there's anywhere for outdoor sports too, which for a development of that size is essential.

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Form ID: 52915
Respondent: Dr Sarah Beeson


No answer given

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Form ID: 52925
Respondent: Oliver Campbell

Mostly not

No answer given

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Form ID: 52930
Respondent: Mrs Natalie Hodgson

Yes, completely

No answer given

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Form ID: 52941
Respondent: Miss Barbara Steen

Not at all

My main concern is schooling, as this doesn't seem to have been thought about. Have there been consultations with local secondary schools, Chesterton in particular I guess. I am concerned that it will put a big and unreasonable strain on local secondary schools, and the standard will drop, which will benefit no one.

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Form ID: 52953
Respondent: Mr Paul Carroll

Mostly yes

No answer given

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Form ID: 52960
Respondent: Mr ELAINE GRAY

Mostly not

The area has a similar population to Penzance but very limited facilities. This will mean that the population will travel for swimming, NHS services (beyond GP), larger events, secondary education, to play team games, etc.

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Form ID: 52969
Respondent: Dr H Williams


No answer given

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Form ID: 52979
Respondent: Ms elizabeth nettleship

Mostly not

No answer given

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Form ID: 52988
Respondent: Mr Tonygc Gledhill

Mostly not

Where are the sporting facilities? Swimming pools, running tracks - both formal and informal. Football pitches in the surrounding areas are already oversubscribed - there is an immediate need for more facilities now.

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Form ID: 52997
Respondent: Mrs Kirsty Whitelaw


No answer given

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Form ID: 53021
Respondent: Mr Alan Ackroyd

Mostly not

Minimal provision is outlined. There is already a shortage of leisure and recreational provision in this part of Cambridge and this development as outlined will make this worse. This is a great opportunity to rectify this deficit. It should be provided early in the development phase to avoid the establishment of out-of-area links before local facilities are ready.

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Form ID: 53029
Respondent: Ms Louise Yarrow

Mostly not

I am not usre that thre will be enough emphasis on high quality community facilities

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Form ID: 53047
Respondent: Mr Jack Melling

Mostly yes

I think there needs to be more sporting facilities for the community and more centres for youth activities

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Form ID: 53065
Respondent: Horningsea Residents Association

Not at all

This type of development does not correlate to "community". Housing people in blocks does not encourage them to meet and support their neighbours and their community.

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Form ID: 53074
Respondent: Sport England

Mostly not

Sport England are concerned that 8,000 new homes will generate significant demand for new sports facilities, but the plan makes no reference to the need for sports pitches and other sports facilities.

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Form ID: 53082
Respondent: Carol Johnston

Mostly yes

A dentist should be included in the health centre.

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Form ID: 53094
Respondent: Mrs Jane Ryall


Outdoor sports facilities must also be included in the scheme .e.g. multiuse outdoor surfaces, outdoor keep fit equipment which all members of the public can access. Swimming has been mentioned in the documentation but I can't see where such a facility is to be located on the plans,

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Form ID: 53104
Respondent: Mrs Jane Ryall


There should also be outdoor sports facilities e.g. outdoor multi-purpose sports surfaces, keep fit facilities etc.

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