Question 19. How do you think new developments should support healthy lifestyles?

Showing forms 181 to 183 of 183
Form ID: 56383
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Paragraph 91 of the NPPF seeks to deliver healthy, inclusive and safe places, and identifies a number of approaches to support healthy lifestyles. It promotes social interaction through mixed-use developments, strong neighbourhood centres, street layouts that include pedestrian and cycle connections, and active street frontages for example. It enables and supports healthy lifestyles, by providing green infrastructure, sports facilities, local shops, access to healthier food, allotments, and layouts that encourage walking and cycling for example. NHS England Healthy Towns Initiatives identified ten principles to deliver healthy places, which relate to the provision of health services, meeting local and community health needs, and development design matters. In terms of design matters it is suggested that compact neighbourhoods, active travel, healthy eating opportunities, play and leisure facilities would contribute towards the delivery of healthy places. It is considered that the promoted development at land off Hall Lane in Great Chishill would be consistent with guidance and initiatives to support healthy lifestyles. The promoted development would include green infrastructure including open space. It is located adjacent to the existing sport and recreation area for the village

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Form ID: 56403
Respondent: Bidwells
Agent: Bidwells

4.26 New developments should support healthy lifestyles by creating a spatial strategy that can support connected spaces where people do not have to rely on the private car for their daily routine of school, work, shopping and leisure. Enabling active lifestyles and opportunities for social interaction is a priority. 4.27 The Local Plan should provide open space within developments where possible, alongside a policy framework to allow for off-site enhancements where appropriate, particularly when they can improve provision for existing communities. Standards within policies that determine the quantity and quality of provision should reflect an evidence-based assessment of need and benefits delivered. 4.28 A further measure to ensure new developments should support healthy lifestyles is for them to consider the needs of all age ranges and abilities in the detailed design of open spaces and public realm. New developments should also encourage healthy eating choices through the provision of healthy options and minimising/preventing fast food outlets.

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Form ID: 56440
Respondent: Dena Dabbas

This can be achieved through creating communities that have a strong sense of identity and maximising their shared value. Specific interventions, such as promoting inclusive outdoor spaces, active landscapes and offering community activities for local residents to participate in, can all support healthier lifestyles. Residents at Trumpington South would have access to multi-functional areas of open space providing opportunities for sport, growing foodstuff, caring for the natural environment and informal active recreation. The development is planned around the movement of people rather than vehicles. The layout of the site and approach to car parking will create an environment with low vehicles movements and dedicated pedestrian and cycle networks. Active travel will, therefore, be facilitated and be the natural choice for many.

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