Question 16. How should the Local Plan help us achieve 'good growth' that promotes wellbeing and social inclusion?

Showing forms 211 to 213 of 213
Form ID: 56380
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

It is considered that meeting housing and affordable housing needs is part of the well-being and social inclusion theme because housing falls within the social objective of sustainable development (as set out in Paragraph 8 of the NPPF). There are substantial affordability issues in Greater Cambridge associated with the high cost of buying and renting housing, and those that cannot afford to live in Cambridge or South Cambridgeshire close to employment opportunities having to endure longer commuting. Paragraph 8 and Chapter 8 of the NPPF identifies the other factors that relate to the wellbeing and social inclusion theme, which are about creating well-designed and safe developments, providing access to services and facilities, and providing open space. It is suggested that to achieve ‘good growth’ the emerging GCLP will need to allocate suitable sites that deliver market and affordable housing, self-build plots, and housing for older people, are accessible to services and facilities or can provide additional services and facilities, include open space and recreation facilities. It is considered that the emerging GCLP should seek to make the villages more sustainable by supporting development that can sustain the existing facilities in a village or provide additional services and facilities, and which can deliver affordable housing; Great Chishill is a village that could be made more sustainable and which has a local need for affordable housing. The promoted development at land off Hall Lane in Great Chishill would include market and affordable housing, self-build plots, and housing for older people, open space and other green infrastructure.

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Form ID: 56400
Respondent: Bidwells
Agent: Bidwells

4.16 The Local plan should include a spatial strategy that connects homes with jobs; good quality public transport; facilities/services and high-quality open spaces. Policies should also highlight wellbeing and social inclusion as a key priority for new developments. 4.17 Good growth that promotes wellbeing (including health) should be inclusive and include antipoverty measures including: ● Energy efficient homes and employment space that deliver low energy and water bills; ● Promotion of commercial development and job creation that offers the Living Wage and opportunities for those on lower incomes to increase wages to easily access jobs; ● Allow for a wide range of social infrastructure and open space in new developments that provide pathways to free (i.e. no charge to the user) opportunities for improved health outcomes; ● Promotion of low cost housing proportionate to income in the area; and ● Promotion of ‘fully accessible’ social housing, within active travel of employment. 4.18 The Local Plan should include for a policy framework that requires a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) throughout the Greater Cambridge area, using a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) methodology that reflects best practice. Thresholds for HIAs should reflect the scale of the scheme and its ability to effect health outcomes. 4.19 The Local plan should ensure a policy framework is developed that is based on empirical evidence of how good growth is delivered, rather than rely on policies based on perceived, and sometimes unproven, determinants of wellbeing and social inclusion. Policies should focus on what really makes a difference. 4.20 Engagement with the combined authority, county council and Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) will also be required to understand community care and primary health care issues and needs, and to ensure facilities are available to deliver funded services.

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Form ID: 56438
Respondent: Dena Dabbas

Grosvenor is committed to bringing forward developments which reflect the principles of social sustainability, good growth and well being amongst local residents. ‘Good growth’ can be achieved through creating compact development sites with highly sustainable accessibility and opportunities for on site community initiatives. The provision of a range of homes for all parts of the community, including affordable and specialist housing. Easy access to local services and amenities creates inclusiveness, which helps to foster wellbeing. Encouraging travel by sustainable modes of transport, including walking, cycling, public transport and electric vehicles, which would also encourage active lifestyles and reduce carbon emissions, leading to positive effects on health. As mentioned throughout these representations, Trumpington South will develop a sense of identity, promote healthy lifestyles and active public spaces and provide the right community infastructure to promote well being and social inclusion. Techcnial assessments in relation to noise and air quality have been prepared by BuroHappold in support of these representations, to demonstrate that the proposed development at Trumpington South is suitable and deliverable in relation to noise and air quality. Noise and air quality considerations are intrinsically linked to the well -being and health of existing and future residents and will be considered in greater detail as the design process for this proposal evolves. The M11 is associated with poorer levels of air quality and higher levels of noise. The Noise Feasibility Study prepared by Buro Happold confirms that the masterplan for Trumpington South proposes residential properties approximately 200m away from this source. The Study demonstrates that target internal and external ambient noise levels can be achieved, when considering the proposed masterplan and the existing consented bund, along the southern site boundary adjacent to the M11. The study also demonstrates that incorporating future massing and design considerations (i.e. glazing treatments) can provide further mitigation. The Air Quality Assessment, also prepared by Buro Happold, concludes that the air quality impacts associated with emissions from surrounding roads on future site occupants will not be significant, and similarly provides a range of further mitigation measures, some of which are already demonstrated in the proposals for Trumpington South. The masterplan also seeks to discourage private cars and encourage active transport (walking and cycling) and public transport, with the implementation of car-free zones, Electric Vehicle charging infrastructure and centralised parking locations. The proposed masterplan also incorporates other elements that will have a positive impact on air quality and noise, including zero-carbon homes in operation and extensive tree planting across the site.

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