Question 9. How do you think we should be reducing our impact on the climate? Have we missed any key actions?

Showing forms 151 to 157 of 157
Form ID: 56187
Respondent: Ms Cathy Parker

· Broad aspirations about reducing our impact on the climate must be translated into specific planning policies and subsequent development that will prioritise and encourage cycling. · Land-use planning goes hand-in-hand with sustainable transport. Any significant development must have a mix of uses including accommodation, amenity, education, and employment - to give people a chance to access everyday needs without travelling far. · The Local Plan, in every aspect, needs to be enabling and encouraging a full-scale transition away from private car dependency and towards walking, cycling and public transport. Every development must be fully permeable with safe, convenient and high-quality walking and cycling routes.

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Form ID: 56222
Respondent: CEG
Agent: CEG

The development at Land to the South East of Cambridge will support the emerging Local Plan’s aims with regards to the theme of climate change, most notably through its location. It is a highly accessible site that can encourage low-carbon transportation use: building on existing habits in this location and enhancing local cycling and walking networks to limit private car use. CEG would also pursue on site elements to bring forward a scheme where homes are high-quality, energy efficient, and well-designed to promote low-carbon lifestyles. This is all to promote a potentially net zero carbon scheme.

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Form ID: 56277
Respondent: DB Group
Agent: Carter Jonas

In addition to the actions already listed, the Council should be supporting companies who are finding innovative solutions to reducing our impact on the climate. As set out in response to question 8, DB Group has sustainability running through its core and the company understand how important it is to reduce their environmental impact in everything they do. That’s why, in 2015 they introduced Cemfree ultra-low carbon concrete which was a complete game changer for the construction industry that achieves dramatic carbon savings of up to 88% in concrete. This innovative technology was developed in-house to ensure every detail was exactly as it should be. It has since won multiple awards and continues to excite and impress the industry in equal measure. Ensuring that businesses and employment opportunities within the District are also focussed on reducing our impact on climate will be essential. The Council should be proactively working with DB Group, and companies like them, to ensure that the Council enables them to achieve their full potential in terms of reducing our impact on the climate. The Councils should also consider opportunities to support the use of Cemfree and similar low carbon concretes across its estate and Greater Cambridge.

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Form ID: 56313
Respondent: First Base
Agent: Bidwells

4.10 Greater Cambridge is a leading local authority on climate change policy, such as through the early declaration of a climate change emergency and also through the newly adopted Sustainable Development SPD. This leadership should continue, as it is central to the sustainable development of Cambridge, leading to better development for humans, the environment, and for economic development. It should be borne in mind that Cambridge's knowledge economy increasingly demands high sustainability standards: sustainability, health and wellbeing, with climate change at the heart, is a key part of continuing Cambridge's economic development. This should remain a priority as part of a policy framework the recognises climate change as a key part of sustainable development across social, environmental and economic objectives. 4.11 The densification and redevelopment of brownfield sites such as the Travis Perkins site offer opportunities to maximise energy efficiency measures on site and achieving low carbon development, thereby helping to achieve the Council’s climate change targets.

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Form ID: 56356
Respondent: PX Farms Ltd
Agent: Bidwells

4.4.1 Greater Cambridge is a leading local authority on climate change policy, such as through the early declaration of a climate change emergency and also through the newly adopted Sustainable Design and Construction Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) (Adopted January 2020). This leadership should continue, as it is central to the sustainable development of Cambridge, leading to better development for humans, the environment, and for economic development. It should be borne in mind that Cambridge's knowledge economy increasingly demands high sustainability standards: sustainability, health and wellbeing, with climate change at the heart, is a key part of continuing Cambridge's economic development. This should remain a priority as part of a policy framework that recognises climate change as a key part of sustainable development across social, environmental and economic objectives.

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Form ID: 56393
Respondent: Bidwells
Agent: Bidwells

4.8 Greater Cambridge is a leading local authority on climate change policy, such as through the early declaration of a climate change emergency and also through the newly adopted Sustainable Development SPD. This leadership should continue, as it is central to the sustainable development of Cambridge, leading to better development for humans, the environment, and for economic development. It should be borne in mind that Cambridge's knowledge economy increasingly demands high sustainability standards: sustainability, health and wellbeing, with climate change at the heart, is a key part of continuing Cambridge's economic development. This should remain a priority as part of a policy framework the recognises climate change as a key part of sustainable development across social, environmental and economic objectives.

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Form ID: 56431
Respondent: Dena Dabbas

Securing zero carbon homes in operation is the key way in which we can reduce our impact on the planet and slow the effects of climate change.The Vision document prepared by Terence O’Rourke explains how the homes at Trumpington South can achieve zero carbon through a range of methods, including fabric first construction, water management, low energy environmental strategies and passive design features. It can also be achieved by encouraging the use of sustainable transport and planning around these important links as the masterplan in the Vision document explains. Should the site be allocated, Trumpington South is committed to delivering zero carbon homes in operation and creating a place that contributes positively to climate change, as demonstrated by the Sustainability Workshop Summary Report prepared by BuroHappold . Trumpington South is located in an established travel culture and is exceptionally well connected to nearby jobs and land uses. Its location can enable car free and/or housing with limited in-curtilage parking to promote sustainable mobility and travel.

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